Uncle Who Went From Mailman to Millionaire
THE UNCLE WHO WENT FROM MAILMAN TO MILLIONAIRE Most of us have a relative we call…UNCLE! I’m sure no one on this planet has ever had such a unique relative. Watching Uncle Earl “Sonny” Glasco live his life taught me how to live mine. I was so fortunate to see him transform from being a bag carrier, walking the streets mailman, to a winner of two and a half million dollars in the Pennsylvania Lottery.
Before his big win, at family gatherings, Sonny would speak loudly for all of us to hear. He would state, with certainty, that he was going to win the million-dollar lottery and then throw the biggest party that Southern Chester County would ever see. When Uncle Sonny won the two and a half million dollars, he followed through with all of his promises. He threw one of the biggest parties held in the Hotel du Pont, Wilmington, Delaware. I studied, researched, and wrote a book about this man’s overwhelming, continuous optimism and success. He was also a loud man, funny, a bragger and a loving family matriarch, whose personality was infectious. I know what you’re thinking…this can’t be true about one human being. From my perspective, everything I am sharing is factual. My Uncle Sonny was a skilled man much like that of the boxer Muhammed Ali. Like Ali, Sonny boasted quite often. He never talked about his material substance. He instead, with joy and laughter, would boast about his ability to grow sweet yellow corn in his garden. He would go on and on about scoring 200 in the bowling alleys around Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. Gardening, cooking, and baking were three of Sonny’s favorite hobbies and he would compete with relatives on who could bake the best peach pie. Needless to say, beating me (his nephew) at pocket billiards, was a thrill for Sonny. Someone told me, you learn the true essence of a person’s character when they become wealthy. I had an up-close learning experience. I would often see my Uncle displaying empathy, humility, and humbleness. He expressed an amazing amount of loving care, along with financial support towards his three sons, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren. He even supported my parents by paying their property taxes for years. He built his mother living quarters in every one of his seven homes until her death at 99 years old in 2008. Plus, each month, Sonny would send checks to his favorite charity organizations. I continue to follow my uncle’s exuberant quality of life. So much so, that I hope my recent book about his life and the life of my father will be as much an inspiration to people as they were to me. My Uncle Sonny has passed on to another dimension at the age of 90. I am eternally grateful the Universal Energy (God) rewarded me with the gift and experience of this over-the-top, extraordinary, human lighting rod I called “UNCLE!” See you later, Uncle Sonny!
Love forever, Kerry (Your nephew on your sister’s side) www.kerryruff.com/kruff@aol.com